Belluna is a leading general catalog retailer. In addition to the mail-order business specializing in some genres, this company operates the Retail Store Sales Business, the Solution Business for providing corporations with its know-how and infrastructure that have been nurtured through its mail-order business, and so on. Its strengths and characteristics include a database of customers who are mainly married women, and stable profitability and growth potential based on portfolio management. It also conducts M&A actively.
【1-1 Corporate History】
In 1968, Mr. Kiyoshi Yasuno, who is currently the representative director and president of the company, started the business of selling seals door-to-door under the name of "Yukado." Then, starting with the mail-order sale of clothes, the company started dealing in food products, cosmetics, etc. While operating the Specialty Mail Order Business, the company has enriched its business portfolio, including the Finance Business, Property Business, Retail Store Sales Business, Solution Business, etc. targeted at mail-order customers.
In March 2000, the company was listed in the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange. It actively conducts M&A, to fortify its business base.
【1-2 Management Philosophy】
◎ Management Philosophy

In addition, Belluna set "Basic Mind," which describes the mindset of Belluna's employees, and "Basic Action," which is a code of conduct. Basic Mind, which is composed of "the awareness as a party involved," "the awareness of profit," "a sense of playing a game," "positive thinking," and "the willingness to grow," and Basic Action, which is composed of "use of others," etc., are what the employees of Belluna should return back to when facing a challenging problem.
【1-3 Market Environment】
According to "Commercial Statistics Table in 2014-Statistics for each business category (retail)" announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on March 9, 2016, the annual sales of products via mail order, catalogs, and the Internet amount to 3.9 trillion yen.
Detailed statistics have not been checked, but it seems that the catalog retail market has recently shrunk 1-2%, as competitors in the general mail-order field suffered a significant drop in sales while the online shopping market has grown rapidly.
Amid this situation, the General Mail Order Business segment of Belluna, in which catalog retail accounts for 80% of total sales although it is concentrating on online shopping business, increased sales 4.5% in the term ended March 2018, achieving an annual sales growth rate of 4.3% in the past 3 years and expanding its market share steadily.
◎ Comparison of major mail-order companies
*Sales and operating income are the values estimated by the company for this term. ROE is the result in the previous term. Market cap, PER, and PBR are the values calculated from the closing prices on September 4, 2018.
Compared with Scroll and Senshukai, which are competitors in the general mail-order field, Belluna has large sales and market cap, and high profit ratio and capital efficiency.
【1-4 Business Contents】
(1) Segments
Belluna operates seven business segments: General Mail Order Business, which is its core business, Specialty Mail Order Business, Retail Store Sales Business, Solution Business, Finance Business, Property Business, and Other Business.
General Mail Order Business and Specialty Mail Order Business account for about 80% of total sales.

① General Mail Order Business
◎ Outline
The company receives orders for and sells apparel, fashion goods, interior accessories, etc. via catalogs, flyers, and the Internet.

◎ Attributes of subscribers
As of the end of March 2018, the number of subscribers is about 18.5 million, and married women in their 40s or older account for about 80% of them.
The subscribers aged 65 to 69 years, who are major married women, make up 31.4% of the population of this age group in Japan, indicating an overwhelming market share.

The number of loyal subscribers, who are defined as subscribers who have purchased products within 2 years after registration, was 5.08 million in the term ended March 2018.
Despite some fluctuations, it is steadily increasing.

Belluna employs about 70 full-time designers, and offers more fashionable products than leading supermarkets and women's apparel shops. In addition, the company offers a variety of unrivaled catalogs targeted at customers in their 50s to 70s. Accordingly, it won overwhelming support from married women.
◎ Customer segments
Female customer segments are divided into three ones: "Mrs" for customers in their 50s or older, "Ranan" for customers in their 40s, and "Ryu-Ryu" for customers in their 30s. The company offers products tailored for the preferences and needs of each age group.

◎ Efforts for developing e-commerce
Catalogs are primary sales channels, but the company has been striving to promote online shopping in recent years.
For "Ryu-Ryu" targeted at customers in their 30s, the sales via e-commerce (EC) now account for over 60%, and the ratio of EC sales is steadily growing for Mrs and other segments.
② Specialty Mail Order Business
By specializing in specific genres, the company adds characteristics to its product lineup, prices, and services. Therefore, the company can retain customers easily, and receive orders from repeat customers.

③ Retail Store Sales Business
This segment targets customers who cannot be approached via mail order, with the aim of realizing synergetic effects of the channels of the mail-order business, the Internet, and real shops. The company operates three types of shops at shopping centers and malls. "BANKAN" and "Wamonoya" sell kimono and Japanese clothing-related goods, and "BELLUNA" offers casual clothes targeted at mainly women in their 40s and 50s at low prices. Shop area is about 30 tsubo (≒ 100 m
2) for Japanese clothing shops, and 80 to 100 tsubo (≒ 265 to 330 m
2) for apparel shops. As a characteristic, Japanese clothing shops are highly profitable, because average spending per customer is large. As of the end of March 2018, the number of Japanese clothing shops was 79, that of apparel shops was 59, and the total number of shops was 138.
④ Solution Business
By utilizing the know-how and infrastructure that have been nurtured through the mail-order business for many years, Belluna offers the "service of enclosing promotional flyers" and the "mail-order agency service" to corporations.
In the service of enclosing promotional flyers, the company encloses the flyers, product samples, etc. of client companies with products and catalogs and ships them to customers, by utilizing its enormous customer database. It is possible to narrow down target customers according to the needs of client companies. Accordingly, client companies can expect effective sales promotion.
"The mail-order agency service" is to offer a series of functions, including the infrastructure and know-how of Belluna, to enterprises that sell products by mail order. Belluna comprehensively undertakes the tasks of managing stocks at distribution warehouses, operating call centers, and shipping products to customers.
Even enterprises that are starting the mail-order business do not need to prepare their own infrastructure, and they can offer products and services swiftly at low prices.
⑤ Finance Business
It is a consumer finance business utilizing the database developed through the mail-order business.
The company mainly introduces loans to mail-order customers by enclosing flyers, etc. Since the company possesses the data of the past purchases and payments by customers, credibility is high and the balance of loan receivables is expanding steadily, while the percentage of credit losses is low compared with other companies.
Its profitability is high, partially because the cost for reeling in borrowers is low as mail-order customers are targeted.
⑥ Property Business
The company leases real estate, such as office buildings, operates hotels, and so on.
⑦ Other Business
The company operates the wholesale business targeted at department stores and co-op shops, and the insurance business.
【1-5 Characteristics and Strengths】
① Customer database and know-how mainly for married women, which have been nurtured through the mail-order business for about 40 years
As mentioned in the section of business contents, about 80% of over 18 million subscribers of Belluna are married women in their 40s or older.
Belluna's female subscribers aged 65 to 69 years, who are dominant among married women, account for 31.4% of the population of this age group in Japan.
The competitive customer database and know-how, which have been developed through the mail-order business for about 40 years, are significant features that contribute to the creation of corporate value.
In the mail-order sale business, which is its mainstay, Belluna won strong support from married women by proposing products that can meet their needs based on the requests from customers, etc. grasped through sales and purchase activities and questionnaire surveys.
In the finance business, the company earn sales and profit stably by utilizing its database. In the solution business, the company creates new business opportunities by offering its customer database, know-how, and infrastructure.
② Stable profitability and growth potential based on portfolio management
Another characteristic of Belluna is the business model called "portfolio management," which actualizes stable growth potential and profitability by conducting business in a multifaceted manner while utilizing its managerial resources nurtured through the mail-order business.
Based on this business model, the company disperses the risks of changes in social situations and economic trends, allows each business to exert its strengths as a mainstay, brings out the synergy among businesses, and actualizes stable profitability and growth potential.
【1-6 Shareholder Return】
Belluna determines dividends while considering its business performance and strategic investments for mid-term growth. This term, the company plans to pay 15 yen/share, up 2.5 yen/share from the previous year.
The company has been implementing a shareholders' benefit plan, and gives benefits twice a year to shareholders who hold 100 or more shares as of the end of March and the end of September every year. For the purposes of expressing gratitude to shareholders and deepening shareholders' understanding, the company announced the enrichment of the shareholders' benefit plan in November 2017, adding complimentary coupons that can be used in Belluna Net. There is no revision to the criteria for receiving shareholders' benefits, the date of issuance of coupons, or their effective periods.
*The accommodation coupon of Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa is distributed once a year (issued in early December).
【1-7 ROE analysis】

Due to the increase in net income margin, ROE exceeded 10% in the term ended Mar. 2018. The estimated margin for this term is 5.8%, and ROE will probably exceed 8%, which is the goal of the third management plan. We would like to expect that they will make efforts to increase it further.