Toyo Ink SC Holdings is Japan's top manufacturer of printing inks. Using the processing technologies of pigments and resins that are the raw materials of inks, the Company manufactures various products such as LCD color filters and
electromagnetic shielding films. The Toyo Ink Group is comprised of Toyo Ink SC Holdings, 66 consolidated subsidiaries in and outside Japan, and 9 equity method affiliate companies. They are operating business in 22 countries around the world (The end of December 2017).Under the long-term scheme "Scientific Innovation Chain 2027 (SIC 27)," whose concept is to contribute to the improvement of sustainability of ordinary citizens, life, and the global environment by innovatively thinking, scientifically executing, and connecting each activity by each and every employee, it is aiming for a transformation to have a corporate structure that enables sustainable growth towards 2027.
The origin of Toyo Ink dates back to 1896, when founder Kamataro Kobayashi opened Kobayashi's Ink Shop as sole proprietorship in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. In 1907, it was reorganized and renamed as Toyo Ink Manufacturing Co., Ltd. During the Meiji period, many newspapers and magazines, including the Yomiuri Shimbun (founded in 1874) and the Asahi Shimbun (founded in 1879), were launched. The government also printed an increasing number of materials including textbooks to enhance educational levels under the policy of increasing wealth and military power. Under these circumstances, the demand for printing inks expanded rapidly.
Initially, inks in the Japanese market were mostly imported products; however, as the national policy favored high quality domestically produced inks, the Company, with its advanced technological skills, successfully expanded its business with clients such as the Printing Bureau of the Ministry of Finance and other government bodies, in addition to private printing companies. Exports also grew during the same time. The Company's rapid growth was also due in part to the early introduction of integrated manufacturing system from raw materials (pigments, resins) to finished products (printing inks). Another contributing factor may be that the Company, since its inception, had strong ties with Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., which, by then, was among Japan's largest printing companies. The Company survived the difficult times of the Great Kanto Earthquake and the World War II and experienced rapid growth again during the period of high economic growth after the war. The Company was listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1961 and moved to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1967.
The Company is expanding its businesses from manufacturing of printing inks to other fields such as LCD film materials, using its wide range of technologies and know-how cultivated through manufacturing and processing of raw materials such as pigments and resins. In 2011, the Company adopted a holding company system for further expansion and growth of the Group, and changed its name to Toyo Ink SC Holdings, Co., Ltd..
【Corporate Philosophy】
The Toyo Ink Group's Corporate Philosophy was established in April 1993. It consists of three parts, namely, corporate philosophy, corporate policies, and guiding principles. The Philosophy embodies the original roots of the brand of the corporate group and serves as guidelines that each employee of the Group should always keep in mind and act on as a business professional. In April 2014, "improving shareholder satisfaction" was added to its guiding principles. With this revision, the Company is aiming to improve satisfaction of all stakeholders.

All employees must always carry this philosophy system printed on a credo card, read it out in the 5-minute meeting every week at each division, and repeatedly confirm its meaning through discussion. This way, the employees are expected to have deeper understanding and implement the philosophy.
Furthermore, the "Toyo Ink Group Corporate Philosophy" is printed on the first page of every single issue of the Company's in-house magazine, which is published for the Group's unity and circulated to the entire Group including the overseas locations. Also, the above-mentioned credo has "Japanese/English" version as well as "Chinese/English" version to share and spread the corporate philosophy globally.
【Market Environment】
◎ Overview
(Market trend)
The production value of the Japanese printing industry is declining especially in the realm of publication printing of newspapers and magazines as a result of increasing digitization and aliteracy.
In the realm of commercial printing, on the other hand, of posters, catalogues, fliers, POP, etc. demand is fairly steady. Furthermore, printing on food and pharmaceutical packages and plastic containers is steadily increasing at the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.42% from 2004 to 2017.

Meanwhile, overseas, especially in newly emerging countries, both printing on papers (offset printing) and printing on film of food packages (gravure printing, flexographic printing) are expected to grow, and the Company is focusing on responding to the demand.
As innovation of printing machine is progressing, quality of printing is enhancing. Overseas local inks, in many cases, cannot respond to such demand for high quality, which may lead to more demand of excellent Japanese ink.
(Printing houses and printing ink manufacturers)
According to the "Census of Manufactures 2017: Report by Industry" by METI, there were 10,589 business entities in the printing and related industries in 2016. 10,187 (96.2%) of them are small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 100 employees.

The Company's customers such as printing companies purchase printing inks and carry out printing. However, printing cannot be done simply by setting printing inks and papers and starting the machine. Printing companies are faced with needs such as "selection of the ink for the new types of paper," "producing special color" and "producing premium look," and challenges such as improving printing efficiency and taking environmental measures. The Company provides its customers with information on new products and various pieces of concerning these needs and challenges. Most of the 26,000 printing companies in Japan can hardly conduct business without such solutions. Therefore, printing ink manufacturers play a crucial role in the printing industry.
Thus, the Company's customers seek direct dealings with the Company. As a result, nearly 80% of the Company's domestic sales come from direct sales to its customers. These strong relationships with the customers are among the Company's major characteristics.
◎ Other companies in the industry
There are six major listed companies including Toyo Ink in the ink industry in Japan.
While (4631) DIC is the number one company in the world, Toyo Ink is the top runner in Japanese printing ink industry, and ranks first or second in most product categories. Globally, the Company is ranked third (The second is a European firm). (4633) SAKATA INX is the second largest shareholder of the Company. The Company and SAKATA INX complement each other mainly in logistical aspects. The two companies concluded a capital and business alliance agreement in 2000.
*Sales and operating income are based on estimations of each company for this FY. ROE and PBR are based on actual results of the previous term end. Unit: Million Yen, Times. Total market value is as of closing on August 31, 2018.
*Since Toyo Ink SCHLD was based on a nine-month settlement due to change in the settlement term of previous fiscal year, the sales growth rate and the profit growth rate are comparison with the actual values of 12-month conversion (announced by the company). ROE is the 12-month conversion value for the term ended Dec. 2017.
【Business Contents】
◎ Concerning "printing inks"
Followings are the summary of printing inks, one of the major product categories of the Company, categorized by "raw materials" and "types and purposes of use."

High-level diffusion technologies are required when various inks are produced by combining the above three raw materials.
Since its foundation, the Company has also been expanding its business categories by exploring application of these raw materials in the process of manufacturing them.
◎ Business segments
The business activities of the Company are classified into four segments: the "Colorants & Functional Materials Related Business," "Polymers & Coatings Related Business," "Printing & Information Related Business", and "Packaging Materials Related Business".
The "Printing & Information Related Business" mainly deals with planographic inks that are used for printing on papers (offset inks, etc.). The "Packaging Materials Related Business" deals with gravure inks and flexographic inks that are used for printing on films of food packages. The "Colorants & Functional Materials Related Business" deals with products related to pigments that are also the raw materials of printing inks as core materials. The "Polymers & Coatings Related Business" began with resins that are the main raw materials of inks and their design technologies.

Based on the organic pigments that are the main raw materials for printing inks, and by integrating their color material technologies, organic chemical synthetic technologies and high-level dispersion technologies, the Company offers materials that are used in various fields. Especially, it created higher functional LCD color filter materials using their nano-level dispersion technologies through integration of technologies that have been accumulated from their ink and painting materials production experiences. Furthermore, the Company's dispersion processing technologies are used not only for organic pigments but also for inorganic materials such as carbon nanotube (CNT), which leads to expansion of its business in the new energy field such as secondary battery materials. They constitute about 40% of the Company's operating income.

For this segment, the Company develops functional resins as the core materials with different functional features. Using unique technologies that have been developed for many years, the Company creates new functions to cultivate new demand and open new markets in electronics, energy, health care and other fields.

For this segment, the Company deals with printing inks and equipment used in packages such as gravure printing, flexographic graphic printing and screen-printing. In the field of food packaging, etc., the Company is dedicated to developing environmentally friendly products using water-based ink to assure their safety to the consumers.

This segment is the core segment of the Company since its establishment. For this segment, the Company deals mainly with printing inks used for printing on paper.
The Company offers not only printing inks but also sales of machinery/equipment, support for streamlining customers' printing process, and support and tools for color management and color universal design.
◎ Overseas expansion
While the Company is improving profitability by offering high-value-added products in the Japanese market, where a rapid growth is not expected, it is aggressively expanding its business from both production and sales perspectives in the overseas market where future growth is expected.
Development of its overseas manufacturing structures was almost completed during the previous Midterm Business Plan, and the Company is carrying out both raw material procurement and production at local sites.
As of the end of Decembewr 2017, the Company has about 50 overseas consolidated subsidiaries and 50 production sites in a wide range of countries around the world.

【ROE Analysis】

The 12-months conversion value for the term ended Dec. 2017 is 6.8%.
All 3 elements declined and ROE fell below 5%. In general, it is desirable to boost profitability and efficiency to achieve an ROE of 8%, which is said to be the value that should be pursued by Japanese companies.
【Characteristics and Strengths】
(1) Strong technological edge
As described above, the Company has been manufacturing in-house pigments and resins, which are the raw materials of printing inks. Its technological capacities form the basis of high quality printing ink production and lead to expansion of business areas and product range such as, LCD color filter materials, adhesive bonds and adhesive compounds.
(2) Excellent problem solving skills
One of the reasons for the Company to be at the top of the Japanese printing inks industry is its excellent problem solving capability in all aspects of printing.
The Company not only produces and supplies printing inks but also studies elements related to "printing" as a whole including plate making and images. Such efforts enable the Company to make technological proposals, demonstrate advanced service skills, and obtain high customer satisfaction.
(3) Environmental concerns
The Company is a forerunner in CO2 emission reduction as well as production of eco-friendly inks such as non-VOC inks, water-base inks, and UV inks. In the newly developed countries, too, the environmental regulations are becoming tighter, and the needs for environmentally friendly products are increasing. The Company is also working on assuring safety such as chemical substances control and manufacturing a line of products that meet the Swiss Ordinance, ahead of other companies.
(4) Uniqueness of management strategies
The Company considers M&A as one of the options for exploring new markets with its technological edge, if M&A is expected to bring synergy effects to the Company. However, it is not intending to implement M&A just to increase the size of businesses. It is also taking an initiative in the printing ink industry to establish "local production for local consumption" policy in the overseas market for enhancing efficiency (e.g. reduction in transport mileage) and social contribution (e.g. utilization of local products) purposes.